Japan Day 6 (roku)
Not many pictures today. Bren, Jerri, me, Debbie, Lucy, and Charlie all ventured out to Ginza to check out the department store scene.
The basement floor of the Matsuya department store is an awesome place to grab a bite to eat. Definitely check it out some time if you're here. I'm kicking myself for not grabbing a photo of it, but I'm sure we'll be back and then I'll add the picture in.
The roof of this store was very cool in that it had a little pet department, with some doggies, some birdies, and some aquarium fish. There was a red arrowana for $20,000. Dollars, not yen. i've seen plenty of silver arrowanas in the states, and they sure don't cost that much. Maybe the red one is an endangered species or something. Heheh, I just googled it and look what I found: "The Asian Arrowana , some of which are classified as 'Endangered Species', is believed, especially among the Chinese, to bring good fortune to the owners, especially if it is a red one." Guess that settles it. I'd have taken a picture if I'd known at the time.
Much like shopping with Debbie in the states, our adventure soon devolved into me wandering along behind her in a zombie-like state as she perused oodles of jewelry, shoes, and clothes.
But after hitting every floor we finally emerged back out into the gloriously humid Japanese summer. And what should appear right in front of us, but the Ginza Apple store! It has 5 floors of appley goodness. We also got to ride an apple-vator, to take us from one floor to the next.
We found an Irish pub on one of the back streets:
And of course Scott and Debbie can't go to a foreign land without seeing a protest of some sort:
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