Japan Day 17 (jū shichi)
Akihabara in Depth
Because our first trip to Akiba was so short and we really didn't see anything, we decided to go back and check it out again.
If only I would have had access to this place when I was 10! Heck, It's pretty freakin cool 26 years later too :)
If Darth Vader had ruled feudal Japan....
The bottom floor of this building had a big area full of figurines. The Japanese love their figures. They love naughty ones too...
Not Safe for Work Pic 1
Oops, they don't want you taking pics like this:
Not Safe for Work Pic 2
This piece of artwork was in the stairwell going down into the Asobit basement. Pretty representative of what was down there :)
Not Safe for Work Pic 3
The Tamiya store was next door and had these sweet R/C tanks:
Next was the Asobit store. The entire first floor was Gundam toys. I had a vague sense that it was popular, but now having seen it in person, I can say that it is HUGE here. Any store that has any toys at all has a big Gundam section.
Here is the giant Space Battleship Yamato that I am currently lusting after. Do I really need a giant Yamato with remote controlled swiveling cannons with 'authentic' cannon firing sounds, and a light up Wave Motion gun? Nooo.....but.....
There was a floor dedicated to model trains. Here's a nice Shinkansen, or Bullet Train as we call them. Below them are models of the subway trains. A different color for each line. The orange is the Ginza Line I think. In true Japanese fashion, the stripe on the side of the real subway actually corresponds to the color of the line route on the subway maps.
This floor looks promising.....
Is this some right-wing, militaristic recruiting den we've stumbled upon? Nope, just an Airsoft shop that errs a smidge to the right of Politically Incorrect.
I want this one. Think it will fit in my carry-on luggage?
Oh no, Debbie has discovered the Gachapons. We'll be here forever.
As we walked down the street we noticed many shirts in Engrish, like this one that says, "My smile will become mysterious chuckle"
We ducked inside this arcade to get some air conditioning. The bottom floor had those games where you move the claw to grab some goodies. The rest of them had all sorts of video games.
The arcade had more of a Vegas feel than the arcades I remember. People were smoking while sitting playing elaborate RPG type games, street fighter type games, and various guitar hero type games. Only the first and second floors had any girls on them, the rest, more Vegas-ey floors were all guys. I took a video of some girls playing a drumming game, but then got the ever popular 'crossed arms' meaning no photos!
I want those Battle Tanks!
How do I get them?
You found Asobit...on of my favorite stores in Akiba...
Yes, it would have been great when I was 10...but now I have money to waste...=D...it is even better now...
Tell me you did not take Debbie to the basement of Asobit...(O.o) ???
She sent me down to check it out. I told her she probably wouldn't feel really comfortable going down there....just a bunch of guys checking out porn, anime and real. I did see a funny auto-wanker, but didn't think they would like me busting out the camera to take funny pictures.
The tanks you could probably order from the Tamiya website, or from some place that sells Tamiya stuff. I was tempted to pick up that Tiger myself :)
I added a pic I took going down the stairs into the Asobit basement. The link is by the other NSFW links.
"She sent me down to check it out."
Code for "I begged and pleaded and she finally agreed to let me go when I said I would buy her something from Tiffany's."
Not sure if you have checked out any of the Manga shops in Akiba...lots of cool stuff in there too...
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